Secure payment

Payment methods

  • All major credit cards

    Payment is the final step of the purchasing process. It should never be an obstacle. Our store pays special attention to this point as making payment in a secured environment is a primary concern of individuals. With e-commerce growth, and more recently the e-commerce evolution, it is essential to choose a payment solution optimized to Smartphone’s and tablets. It is equally important to choose the solution which offers a specific selection of credit cards that are most popular in the merchants target markets.

  • Paypal

    Paypal is a method of paying for goods and services that does not involve the exchange of cash. This online payment requires our customers to wait 1-3 additional days for these funds to be deposited securely. Additional service charges may apply.

  • Cash payment

    Cash payment is a form of liquid funds given by a consumer to a provider of goods or services (our store in the given case) as compensation for receiving the products we provide. In most domestic business transactions, a cash payment will typically be made in the currency of the country where the transaction takes place.
